Tapworthy: The best book you can buy for iPhone design
I was recently tasked with planning the user experience of a rather complex iPhone application. While I’ve been involved in iPhone projects in the past and use the device (well, an iPod Touch 4g)...
View ArticleTop 6 Help Design Patterns for iPhone Apps
User Experience Designers usually aim to make application interfaces intuitive and easy to use without relying on help or a manual to guide the user through how to use the app. However, there are...
View ArticleUX principles in action: Feedback systems and Ford SYNC
The importance of providing system feedback Providing the user feedback during an action is one of the most basic user experience principles that must be considered when designing systems. Feedback...
View ArticleUX Heroes Visual Prototyping Bundle – Name your price on 3 great prototyping...
UX Heroes has a great offer available on several tools for UX Designers. The UX Heroes Visual Prototyping Bundle offers a deep discount on three visual prototyping tools to help you diagram, wireframe...
View ArticleWorld Usability Day: 74% discount on UX tools
As a follow-up to the last UX tools bundle offered through UX Heroes, the third annual Optimal Workshop World Usability Day bundle is now available consisting of 8 great tools and subscriptions worth...
View ArticleWhat is User Experience Strategy, Anyway?
If you’ve ever struggled with articulating the output of the UX Strategy phase of a project or initiative, you’re not alone. Almost all UX’ers can agree that defining a User Experience strategy before...
View ArticleThe UX Community Needs to Start Paying Attention to Android
I’ve been doing a lot of research recently about mobile design patterns and UX best practices for smartphone and tablet devices for both iOS and Android platforms. One thing has stood out more than...
View ArticleReview: UX Recorder for iOS
Full disclosure: Foraker Labs, the creators of UX Recorder, contacted me requesting a review of UX Recorder in return for a promo code to test the application. This has not influenced my overall...
View ArticleUsing Mind Maps for UX Design: Part 1 – Sketch Mapping
Mind maps are diagrams that visually illustrate how words, phrases, ideas, or concepts relate to a central key word or phrase. They are a visual thinking tool that helps to structure information and...
View ArticleUsing Mind Maps for UX Design: Part 2 – Research Maps
In part 1 of the “Using Mind Maps for UX Design” series, I discussed how to use mind maps to create “sketch maps” that organize ideas in a tree-based structure where sketches are used as the way to...
View Article15 Tips to Help Designers Gain Stakeholder Buy-In
Internal buy-in often has to come from multiple groups within an organization: designers, developers, project managers, product managers, business managers, marketing, and executives. Getting everyone...
View ArticleFortune.com revisits some of my ideas in light of the introduction of...
Back in May 2010, JP Mangalindan, a reporter from Fortune.com’s online magazine contacted me and asked me for my opinions on how to better redesign Facebook’s privacy settings. Along with several...
View ArticleUsing Mind Maps for UX Design: Part 3 – Content Strategy Maps
Content strategy is hard. It’s clear that having a content strategy in place is critical to ensuring the success of most if not all projects. However, the reality is that actually doing content...
View ArticleHow Habits Can Impact User Behavior
hab·it [hab-it] noun an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary In the book The Power of Habit, author Charles Duhigg explains how habits are formed and what...
View ArticleHow Native Applications Can Inspire Better Tablet-Optimized Websites
Native tablet applications are often described as being “more engaging” than their browser-based web experience counterparts. There are characteristics of native experiences that “feel” different from...
View ArticleA Web vs. Native Tablet App Experience Analysis: A&E
In my last article, “How Native Tablet Applications Can Inspire Better Tablet-Optimized Websites”, I outlined several principles from native apps that can be leveraged to improve browser-based web...
View ArticleiOS 7 Experience Design Concept
The blogosphere has been inundated with commentary around the anticipation of iOS 7. While not necessarily representative of the general public, tech writers are clamoring for iOS to evolve rather...
View ArticleHow to Gain Support for UX Through the Mind, Heart, and Environment
When I talk to people who work in the User Experience field, I often hear a common refrain: “It’s hard to make my organization value UX.” “I can’t convince my clients that we need to do user...
View ArticleTips for Structuring Better Brainstorming Sessions
Brainstorming is widely used by teams as a method to generate ideas and solve problems. However, many brainstorming activities are flawed and can end up hurting creativity rather than helping spur...
View ArticleClosing out 2013: My Move to San Francisco
Things have been quiet on this site recently, and that’s because I’ve been incredibly busy making some pretty major life changes in the later half of 2013. I’ve relocated to San Francisco and have...
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