Back in May 2010, JP Mangalindan, a reporter from’s online magazine contacted me and asked me for my opinions on how to better redesign Facebook’s privacy settings. Along with several other UX Designers, I proposed a solution that a) made privacy controls a more integrated part of the user experience, and b) helped users manage their friends better in order to better control who sees what. You can read more about my ideas in these two blog posts:
- An Exercise in User Experience Design to Redesign Facebook’s Privacy Settings – Part 1
- An Exercise in User Experience Design to Redesign Facebook’s Privacy Settings – Part 2
Recently, the reporter contacted me again to get my thoughts on the new Facebook Groups feature from a User Experience perspective. The concept behind Groups extends some of the ideas that I had originally proposed in Fortune’s article, with some important differences.
Check out the new article, “Facebook Groups: You saw it here first” for my thoughts on how Groups still has a ways to go to best meet user privacy needs. Thank you JP and for such a great article!